Club Rules

1) The Club shall be known as the Salisbury Anchor Sea Angling Club and the Clubs colours shall be Blue and White.

2) The objects of the Club are to encourage the best interests of sea angling, to promote angling activities and arrange angling competitions.

3) The Management of the Club shall be in a President and Committee comprising:
Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Hon.Secretaries, Hon.Treasurer, Hon.Auditors and six members.

4) The following Officers shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM):
Hon. Boat Competition Secretary, Hon. Beach Competition Secretary, Hon. Assistant Secretary, Cup Custodian, Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer.

5) (a) The Committee shall have the power to co-opt additional members to the Committee for special purposes and to fill any vacancies which may occur. 
(b) A member of the Committee who has been absent from three consecutive meetings shall cease to remain on the Committee unless a valid explanation is given in writing to the Hon. Secretary.

6) The Hon. Treasurer shall receive all monies on behalf of the Club and issue a receipt for all monies received. Disbursements from the Club funds shall be directed by the Committee. The Hon. Treasurer shall submit an audited statement of accounts to the AGM.

7) The accounts shall be audited by auditors appointed by members of the Club.

8) At least ten Committee meetings are to be held annually.

9) Committee meetings may be convened by the President, Chairman, Hon. Secretaries or by a requisition signed by three Committee members.

10) An emergency Committee consisting of Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Hon. Secretaries and two members of the Committee may be appointed to deal with any urgent matters that arise. The emergency Committee shall report to the full Committee on any decisions made and any action taken as soon as possible.

11) Alterations to the rules can only be made as follows:
(a) By 14 days notice in writing to the Hon. Secretary prior to the AGM.
(b) By convening an Extra-Ordinary General meeting.
(c) By the Committee, provided a majority of the whole Committee vote for such change.
Seven days prior notice is to be sent to members before any such alterations become effective.

12) Any member who contravenes the rules or in any way makes himself objectionable to other members or by his or her conduct tends to bring the Club into disrepute may be asked to resign or be expelled from the Club by the Committee.

13) Members shall have the right to appeal in person to the Committee regarding any decision affecting them, such notice to appeal to be submitted in writing to the Hon. Secretary within 28 days.

14) The Annual General Meeting is to be held not later than the third week of January and is for the purpose of receiving reports from the Committee, the statement of accounts, election of officers and Committee and to conduct such business as may be necessary.

15) Extraordinary General Meetings may be called for any specific purpose by the President, Chairman, the Committee or by a request signed by not less than 10 members. At such meetings which shall be called within 14 days of such notice, no other subject but for which it was convened shall be voted upon.

16) (a) Membership shall be open to either sex
(b) Junior members are deemed to be 15 or younger at the time of joining, with membership only available through Family Tickets.
(c) Senior citizens are deemed to be 65 or older at the time of joining.

17) (a) Annual subscriptions shall be decided upon at the AGM.
(b) Joining fees for new members shall be decided at the AGM.
(c) New members joining after July 31st shall pay 50% of the current annual subscription.
(d) Members not paying their subscription by April 1st will be deemed to have ceased membership.
(e) All cheques and postal orders should be made payable to Salisbury Anchor Sea Angling Club and crossed.

18) (a) Applicants for membership shall be proposed and seconded by members. The application together with subscription may be accepted by any officer or Committee member and forwarded to the Hon. Secretary.
(b) A candidate for membership shall be considered to be a member provided a vacancy exists and immediately the subscription is paid but may be asked to withdraw if the application is objected to by the committee. In such cases the subscription shall be refunded.

19) Members defaulting in their liabilities to the Club shall not be eligible to participate in any of the Clubs future activities until such dues have been settled.

20) Any questions which may arise as to the interpretation of the rules and any contingency not covered by the rules shall be decided by the Committee.

21) Any Club members may attend monthly Committee meetings but will be not be able to take part in any vote.

22) The Clubs year will run from the 1st January until the 31st December.