Fishing Rules

1) Club waters shall be from the border of Dorset/Devon in the west through to the border of Hampshire/Sussex in the east and all beaches therein. Boats are restricted to embarkation points within this area.

2) Entry into competitions shall be taken as acceptance of the Clubs rules.

3) The Competition Secretary and his appointed stewards will be in complete charge of competitions and may alter venue or cancel competitions as when necessary.

4) Subject to cancellations or venue changes of shore or boat competitions all competing members will be notified accordingly where possible.

5) The Competition Secretary or his appointed stewards will give a signal or advise of times to commence and finish all competitions.

6) All competition fees for Adults, Senior Citizens and Juniors shall be set at the Annual General Meeting but may be subject to change at any time providing seven days notice is given to competitors.

7) All competition fees should be paid to the Competition Secretary or his appointed steward before commencing to fish.

8) Members wishing to enter Boat competitions should notify the Competition Secretary at least fourteen days prior to competition.

9) Members may turn up to any Boat competition (on spec) if no booking has been made and if there is room available may go afloat.

10) Any Member cancelling a booking or failing to turn up without prior notification will be required to pay for boat space unless a replacement can be found.

11) Boat owner competitors must use the same departure venues and register their fees along with any others using their boats to the Competition Secretary before the competition starts.

12) Boat owner competitors will be solely in charge of their boats and of the safety of any other competitors aboard and of enforcement of Club rules during the competitions.

13) Junior Members in competitions must be accompanied by an adult who will be responsible for his or her behaviour.

14) Upon boarding the boat and before fishing commences lots will be drawn for positions on the boat.

15) Junior competitors will draw the first lot for position and their accompanying adult will take up the next highest numbered position to it (where the junior draws the highest number available the adult will occupy the position previous to it).

16) (a) In boat competitions members may use only one rod with a maximum of three hooks at any time (except when fishing for bait when only one rod may be used but with no hook limit). Fish caught on more than three hooked rigged rods are exempt from the competition.
(b) In beach competitions members may use two rods with a maximum of three hooks between both rods, (a maximum of three hooks to one rod).
(c) Triple or twin point hooks to count as one hook.
(d) For claims to Club records or specimen medal schemes for fish caught other than in organized Club events a maximum of two rods with a maximum of three hooks are allowed.

17) All competitors allowing any person to cast or play a fish will be disqualified. Assistance may be given in baiting or removing hooks from fish. Assistance in casting may be given to Ladies, Juniors or disabled persons and these competitors must be in attendance at the time.

18) Any fish landed on lost tackle shall be ineligible for the competition as shall be any fish hooked by two or more competitors. Fish shall not be deliberately foul hooked.

19) Only fish of the prevailing minimum size limits may be retained, all others should be returned to the sea alive where possible.

20) All beach & boat competitions are fished with no minimum size limit but with only ten fish per species receiving full points, with the exception of mackerel & herring where only five fish receive full points. Minimum sizes still apply for fish that are to be retained.

21) All eligible beach caught fish should be witnessed by the competitor next to you and recorded on your Match Record Sheet, which should be handed to the Competition Secretary within thirty minutes of the end of fishing.

22) All eligible boat caught fish should be brought to the attention of the skipper or appointed Steward for recording on the Competition Score Sheet.

23) Only fish caught in Club waters or caught in Club organized events may be included in Club records and only fish caught in Club organized events to be eligible for Club trophies (with the exception of The Best Specimen Caught Out Of Competition Cup).

24) Weight and particulars of fish caught other than in Club organized events should be detailed on a Club Weighing-In Docket and forwarded to the Competition Secretary within thirty days of capture. (The scales used for weighing such catches should be made available to the Committee for checking when requested).

25) Points are awarded in each Club competition as follows:
(a) Senior Section
30 points for the competitor attaining first place
25 points for the competitor attaining second place
20 points for the competitor attaining third place
15 points for the competitor attaining fourth place
10 points for each competitor catching fish but not finishing in the first four places
5 points for each fishless competitor attending
(b) Junior Section
30 points for the competitor attaining first place
25 points for the competitor attaining second place
20 points for the competitor attaining third place
15 points for the competitor attaining fourth place
10 points for each competitor catching fish but not finishing in the first four places
5 points for each fishless competitor attending

26) Any member representing the Club in a national competition, on the Clubs behalf, on the same day as a Club competition, will automatically be awarded 15 points.

27) The Club Champions will be the members who amass the most points from all competitions for the relevant categories.


29) All Club trophies are to be returned from the previous year winners to the Cup Custodian by the AGM at the latest.

(a) Points for the individual trophies to start from the first competition after the current year’s annual subscription has been paid by the member.
(b) Points for the team trophies to start from the first competition after the team has been registered with the appropriate Competition Secretary.

30) Club trophies remain the property of the Salisbury Anchor Sea Angling Club at all times.